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Karen sponsors a resolution opposing Gov. Bill Lee’s Education Freedom Scholarship Act – essentially a school voucher program.

Our community stood up for our public schools when we passed a resolution opposing the Education Freedom Scholarship Act. Now, the fight continues as we defend our schools against government overreach and corporate influence.

This resolution is about more than just supporting our local schools—it's about protecting our fundamental rights to govern our communities as we see fit. The state legislature shouldn't be dictating decisions that impact our schools and our children's futures.

Here's why we're saying NO to vouchers:

Vouchers take taxpayer dollars away from public schools, jeopardizing the quality of education for all students. They undermine accountability measures, leaving students vulnerable to inadequate resources and support. Vouchers disproportionately benefit private schools and do not ensure equitable access to education.

This isn't about choice—it's about corporations rigging the system in their favor at the expense of our communities. We've seen the impact of vouchers in other states, and it's not pretty. Students suffer, teachers struggle, and our education system takes a hit. We can't let that happen here in Tennessee. Join me in standing up for our public schools, our teachers, and our communities. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can protect our public schools. Together, we can ensure that every child has access to a quality education.


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